ONE BRAIN® Session: What to Expect

A ONE BRAIN® session involves:

  • Briefly discussing your concern or issue and its impact on life at home, work, school or relationships
  • Identifying the underlying source of stress using muscle testing (which involves gentle pressure on the arms)
  • Releasing the stress through techniques that your body-mind chooses as best for you from an extensive menu via muscle testing (meridian tapping, acupressure, eye movement therapy, visual imagery, brain integration exercises etc.)
  • Infusing positive awareness to release the stress and non-productive beliefs
  • Identifying a new Choice and helping you come up with a more productive Self-Talk
Muscle Testing can also help to identify an age where an event locked stress patterns in the body and mind. This process does not lead to reliving the experience, but rather neutrally identifies the age and circumstances surrounding the initial or causal incident, enabling client and facilitator to better understand present-time responses. Releasing stress patterns developed at that age helps put an end to knee-jerk reactions, and previously stressful situations can then be experienced with greater calm and poise.

Structure Function, or behavioural genetics, another key component of One Brain, explores our template for individual expression. Our brain structure correlates to facial structures and these proportions reveal instinctive response patterns. Understanding your preset responses and how they differ from those of the people in your life can clarify existing relationship dynamics and help you learn to satisfy your innate needs while honouring those of others.

The backbone of this entire system is a very specific chart of emotional and desired states of mind. This Behavioural Barometer is a template to explore patterns of consciousness that explain what we are looking for and how we feel about the absence of what we want. By helping us articulate the stressful emotions we experience, it can provide a roadmap to more supportive behaviours.